Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Great Flood

My apartment is under water though I have come to realize that it wasn't due to the rain. I'm still not sure what the problem is since nobody from the management company seems to think this a priority maintenance issue. They haven't even shown up yet. However, considering I live below another apartment, it looks like it may be a plumbing problem at my upstairs neighbor's place. I kid you not, 3/4 of my place is covered in water. I mean, shit, had I known this was gonna be another Great Flood, I would've built myself a handy ark just like Noah did. Alas, there was no divine heads up here.

I sure am glad that I've never had any maintenance issues before. Funny after two years that I'm just now finding out what slumlords I have.

~ the mermaid love

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