Monday, February 06, 2006

Fight The Power

First, I just have say that, at the moment, The Be Good Tanyas are doing me right.

Second, I've pulled a fast one. Last night as I began to write out my rent check at the very last possible minute, I got pissed. I got pissed as hell. Those jerks (my landords) cost me a lot of money in the beginning of January, so I decided that I was going to do what was necessary to recover the costs. That's when I realized that the amount of my deposit on my place was exactly $150 less than my monthly rent amount, and coincidentally, the amount that it ended up costing me to get my car back. So guess what? I'm not paying my rent this month, and they can keep the deposit, and if they give me any lip about it, they can suck it. In fact, I've made several improvements to the space - all new fixtures in the bathroom and a new ladder to the loft which replaced the deathtrap for stairs that were there before.

What are they going to do? Evict me? I don't think so, because I'll be out of there in two weeks before they could even get the eviction process started. Let 'em try to put it on my credit report; it won't matter, and more importantly, I don't care. I stand up for my principles. Call it civil disobedience. I've done it before. Just like the time I refused to pay the speeding ticket from that podunk Illinois town. I didn't deserve it, so I didn't pay it, and you know what? That was six and a half years ago and not a damn thing came of it.

Fuck you ABC Loft Company. And your little dog, too. And the horse you rode in on.

~ the lady love


Anonymous said...

yeyah... they won't do anything to you. did you leave a crazy message on my machine?

the lady love said...

gordo - thanks for cheering me on.

anon - yes, I did leave a crazy message for you. I wanted to find out what crawled up your probation officer's ass.