Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Not So Guilty Pleasure

Don't discount the talent of one Justin Timberlake based on his boy-band background, his popularity on MTV, or his over-exposure on commercial radio. The boy's got mojo.

I first gave him a listen when this girl I was digging on surprised me by being really into him. I laughed at first in disbelief, much like some ignorant folk used to do (and still do) to me upon the mention of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So before passing judgment on his music, I thought I should at least listen to it first. Well, that was probably three years ago, and coincidentally, his first solo CD is still in regular rotation in my car (in fact, I think it’s in my disc player right now). It’s got some kickin’ tracks save for a few sappy ballads that force my hand to the ‘skip’ button.

He recently released a new album and I had yet to give it a go – until today. I previewed the 12 songs on Amazon.com just a few minutes ago, and folks, I’m heading directly to the music store as soon as I get off work.

~ the lady

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