Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Gay Area Becomes A Gray Area

One thing in the past you could pretty much always count on was gay men being... well... gay. But something's changed. I've noticed a strange phenom in the past year and a half. I've got a couple token gay men as friends, and on a few occasions over the years, I've found myself at gay bars with them. Not my top choice of places to hang out since I'm not a gay man, but ya know, I always have a good time.

As I was saying, in years past the one thing I could count on was to never be cruised in boy bar. Makes sense, right? I am a chick after all. But things have changed. I don't know if it's desperation and any warm body will do, or if it's alcohol consumption blurring the lines, or even if it's gay men being more open to the idea of being with a woman, but every single time I go to gay town I get hit on these days. Huh?

Now, I'm not talking about being playfully flirted with. I'm talking "hey baby, let's get it on." For real. Last summer, I had a man in a gay bar beg me to let him take me into the bathroom and "at least suck my tits" after I turned down his invitation to go home with him. Another instance I had a guy stalk me while proffering explicit sex acts despite having told him to piss off several times. Finally I had to completely shut him down after he followed me out to the sidewalk as I waited curb-side for my cab. I could go on, but I think you get my point.

Then last night it happened again! While meeting up with a friend at a gay establishment before heading off to our final destination, a gay man approached me and told me he was buying me a shot. Okay, fine by me. So we chatted for a few minutes. It was his birthday, and he was out celebrating. Next thing I know, he's telling me that he wants to take me home and do sex-type things with me. When I responded, "Ummmm, but you're gay," he said, "I've eaten at the Y plenty of times, and I'm very, very oral. I could make a meal out of that (as he nodded towards my crotch)." I shit you not. So I politely told him he should probably find a nice boy to take home with him instead.

I gotta tell you, folks, I am reeeally confused.


Next post: A talk about the savage insomnia I've been battling for six full weeks now. It's been brutal, and now I've got to go and try to sleep. Yeah right.

~ the lady

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