Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Groove Is Back

I miss writing, so I'm starting again with 20 things about me:

1. I taught myself how to tie my own shoes at three years old. I was such the over-achiever back then but not so much anymore.

2. When I was nine years old, I won a front-end alignment from the radio station by answering a trivia question about local history. I didn’t even know what a front-end alignment was.

3. I made a blind man flinch several times in the passenger seat of my 1975 Toyota Corona while taking mountain road curves on two wheels. That's when I realized I needed to become a better driver.

4. I had a 7"x4" tumor removed from my leg and walked with a cane for seven months afterwards. The handle of the cane was a detailed sculpture of a dog's head carved from soapstone.

5. I painted fire hydrants for a whole summer.

6. I sneeze like your grandpa.

7. I was recently moved to tears by an episode of What Not To Wear on TLC.

8. I do not enjoy fireworks at all.

9. I think I have cancer at least once a week. Different kinds.

10. I never broke any bones as a kid and have broken way too many as an adult, leg and arm among them.

11. I get bored and move a lot. In the past 15 years, I've moved to a new home 20 times.

12. I fell in front of this chick running up a flight of stairs and totally blew her image of me. I know because she told my friend.

13. I once rode horses through the woods off the coast of Alaska.

14. I got so pissed at my friend John playing X-Men on Playstation that I threw a controller at him and stormed out. Just to press my buttons, when I checked my email later that evening, there was a link to an anger management website from him.

15. I got stuck floating down a river for nine hours at night in a styrofoam sailboat that my friend's dad got from the KOOL cigarettes catalog in the 1960s. I nearly froze to death.

16. I just remembered I have some grape Big League Chew gum in my purse and am gonna chew some right now.

17. I got a full scholarship to college.

18. The best part about having kids would be naming them and dressing them. Therefore I have decided that childbearing is not in anyone's best interest. Instead I should opt for a My Buddy.

19. I live with a fem-bot.

20. I want to be rolled up and smoked when I die.

~ the lady love


Mark Burris - BURRIS said...

Great to have you back. With these 20 things, I feel I know you much, much better.

I don't smoke, so I can't be much help with #20. (Now you know something about me.)

Mark Burris - BURRIS said...

I miss the groove. Get it back.

the lady love said...

Aw thanks. We'll see what happens, but it's not looking too good.