Sunday, February 12, 2006


I am making smart, bold decisions again. I am putting an end to relationships and behaviors that do not nurture me - those that cause me to sacrifice my truest and deepest needs for fleeting contentment. I am taking a stand. Making a statement. Putting up a fight for my health: mental, emotional, physical. I am taking me back.

It was intimidating at first: my execution tentative; my heart nearly pounding out of my chest. But with each word, each action, each declaration, it becomes easier, and I become stronger. I won't be beaten, and I cease to beat myself up. I forgive myself for losing sight of me and celebrate becoming myself again.

Self actualizing breeds self respect, and self respect fuels my momentem. I am bulldozing my way through the emotional clutter and making my way back home. Home is where the real me lives. I've been hiding out much too long in this tomb of doom - that dark, dank place where I had buried myself so deep that even the very memory of myself was fading away.

I am crawling out of this hole and seeing more than just a sillhouette of myself now. I am seeing me. I am being me.

It feels good to breathe again.

~ the lady love


Anonymous said...

Good for you. That's a great feeling.

Anonymous said...

The upside: you're always stank-free and you have good-girl hair.

"Home is where the real me lives." is this literal, or figurative?

ps- I never can remember my blogger login

the lady love said...

Okay, so I'm thinking you are R80o Mark and not Top of the Head Mark. You see, dear Mark, there are two of you. And, if this is R80o Mark, I am sorry for not calling this weekend like I said I was going to.

Anyway, I meant it figuratively.

Oh, and as much as I would like to always be free of stank, I'm not. Boooo.

Anonymous said...

i love all the loves i know. happy v-d to all of my loves.

Anonymous said...

yup. R80o Mark. How'd ya know? Was it the tone of my voice.


the lady love said...

Well, the other Mark has never commented though I recently learned that he reads my blog. (Sometimes it freaks me out when I find out friends read it since I never know who knows about it.)